Grocery Store Stories And Dream Journaling.
I enjoy dream journaling in this way. The grocery store stories are true 3D realm stories of wakefulness.
A Dream Of Another Life:
A few weeks ago, I had a dream that I was getting married. A lot of people were getting married, one after the other, in the same venue. They were announcing the order of things to us, who would be the first couple, the second, and so forth. They told me I was up first. I had to get into the bathroom to get ready. That’s where I saw myself in the mirror, and I was stunningly beautiful. I was tall, maybe as tall as 6’8’’, with a broad forehead, straight, black, long hair piled up in an “updo” and a long slinky and revealing red dress. I was elegant and refined with pale skin. I looked powerful too, even though I was pale and thin, I looked strong. My eyes were bright and blue and filled with laughter and knowing. There were other women piled at the door, clamoring to get into the bathroom. While I did my make-up with one hand, I used my left foot to hold the door closed so they couldn’t get in. I did this very casually like, “Not only am I beautiful, but I am strong and limber and I am used to telling people to WAIT.” I was very calm and collected.
That’s it. Just the bathroom scene from that one.
She stays with me though, I can still see her.
A Dream of Levitating
It’s hard to describe. I was sitting with my legs crossed on a square surface, about an inch thick, underneath that square surface were some wheels. I was buzzing around and spinning around on it. You had to hold onto it with your hands and kind of bend over a little, like doing a little crunch, to stay on it and stay balanced. But even though there were wheels on it, I didn’t feel any action of wheels or hear wheel sounds. Rather, it felt like I was levitating just above the ground. There was a whirring sound.
Then someone had to use it for something that it was meant for. It wasn’t meant for whizzing around on, if you can believe that. I relinquished it to them so they could go use it for its original purpose (whatever THAT would be). It was something mundane, like transferring laundry or something from here to there.
Dreamed “What Is A Name, Really” Means W.I.N.R.
No, Not Whiner, And Not Weiner :)
A Winner.
That’s what I woke up thinking. W-I-N-R , is winner. I mean, yes, it could be WIANR but that’s not what I was dreaming.
I woke up saying this to myself over and over. “What Is A Name, Really? means WINR. You are a winner.”
I mean it was a dream, guys. I can’t argue with it. Haha.
But I can drop the A and choose to be a WINR rather than a WIANR.
That’s the message. HAHAHAHA.
Take it how you want. “Drop the A” could mean many things:
#1 drop dat batookis to some bass ~ *turns on some music
#2 drop the assholery~ *I still have plenty to spare
#3 drop the “Amy egoic habits”~ *in as much as one can
H.a.b.i.t./ having a break in thought…..
Who knows?
But that is what I woke up thinking….. “What is a Name, Really? W. I. N. R……winner. You are a winner.”
What a nice way to wake up.
I Dreamed About A Woman:
A couple of nights ago I had a dream about a woman, maybe 28 – 31 ish. She had honey hair, straight and to her shoulders. She was wearing a straight hem dress just below the knee which was brown, but kind of a honey brown. It was a medium brown. There was a scalloped fringe on the bottom, at the hem, and on her short sleeves which were slightly puffy. Her face was attractive, she was slightly overweight in the midrange, say 30 – 40 pounds or so.
Listen, I am not judging anyone 😊 I am just trying to show you how real she was to me.
She had soft, fleshy cheeks, which made her seem younger than she was.
I didn’t get a close look at the color of her eyes, she was walking across a parking lot. She had chunky heels on, army green or brown, I didn’t catch the color. She was well put together and walking with purpose.
I could hear her walking by.
She came toward me and walked past me about 10 – 15 feet away and at a 45 degree angle, so I only saw her full face very briefly before she was already in a 3/4 turn.
It was just a weird dream. It was so clear and specific that I thought I would find such a woman the next day, in 3d land.
It just makes you wonder.
Grocery Store Stories #1:
The other day, I went to the grocery store. I love to park in the farthest spot. Someone had taken MY spot!
Can you believe it, a kindred spirit? The nerve.
I opted for the farthest spot in the next parking lot over. It was a nice, blazing hot, sunny day. I parked in the only shady spot by a tree.
The crows were screaming everywhere.
Once I turned off the truck I realized the poor choice I had made.
The crows were all gathered in the tree right by my door, which was so close; I would have to touch it a little bit and jostle everyone a bit to open my door far enough to “just slide out.”
I could see that there was a nest there.
It was a bit close to the end of the branch, so it would be fairly close to my head when I stepped out.
I have been attacked a few times trying to help babies get back to their nests in my trees in the front yard, which is the drive-through for all the neighborhood cats that my neighbor feeds. It was no biggie, they were small birds. There were a LOT of crows here though, and they were twice the size of the birds I had previously contended with, and I could hear a lot more than two.
So, I had every intention of just getting out, covering my head so my eyes didn’t get pecked out, and then walking on. No problems.
I mean, I wasn’t afraid of a bunch of crows, I was just planning on protecting my face in case someone decided I was an attacker. I do like my eyeballs.
And, like I informed a sand-hill crane I met recently, “I am not the kind of woman who runs from a bird.”(I may have left that out of the crane story, but when I stepped forward to walk away from the crane in my story called A Beautiful Confirmation Day, I said that to him. That was just in case my moving triggered him to start bumping me in the back or something)
Here’s what it sounded like before I opened my door. CAW!! CAW!! CAW!! CAW!! CAW!! CAW!! CAW!! CAAWWWWW!!! They were making noise. I think they were irritated that the truck was there. My truck door makes a loud creaking sound when I open it. I opened the door. CREEEAAAKK…..
I slid out and protected my face, walked to the back of the truck, and turned around and realized that they were barely making a sound at all.
It was eerily quiet; like I had imagined all that noise only seconds ago. Maybe there were the occasional faraway sounds, but the raucousness was done.
When I came out to the truck to leave, there were no problems.
I walked right up to the truck in general quiet, with the occasional bird sound.
I get in to start it up and they all start yelling again. CAW!! CAW!! CAW!! CAW!! CAW!! CAW!!!
I just thought it was odd. But it was just me. I didn’t have anyone with me to corroborate it. I didn’t even tell anyone it happened. I am just noting here with my dreams because it felt like one.
It seemed like they would continue yelling at me as I got out. I was expecting a “cacophony.” *wink
Grocery Store Stories #2 (even though I would not buy food there~ *shudder) 6/7/2024
I went to a WALMART to order a new pair of glasses.
I decided to do what someone demonstrated to me in a video, recently. You just emanate your chosen energy the whole time you are there. So I chose “I hope you feel good in your body. May you have everything that you need. May you have peace and feel good in your body.”
It was interesting. Right off the bat, a man took up the same tempo and position as me and he walked alongside me for a second. It was like we had walked in together. I looked at him and said, “I almost ran into you”.
He had almost run into me, but that’s beside the point.
I arrived at the eyeglasses place and began my “practice.” While I was there I noticed people and what kind of energy they were putting out and I sent back, “May you feel peaceful and good in your body. May you have what you need”.
I noticed a few bad backs and some drug-down energy around me.
The lady started asking me questions.
I kept doing it between answering her questions.
I just stayed in that general state. She wanted to measure where the rise on my glasses was with a little wooden ruler. She asked me to stare straight at her forehead.
We were sitting across a little table, about to stare very closely at each other and I thought “Wow, she is asking people to stare at her pineal every time she does this.” Her face was only two feet away from me.
So I decided to send love.
I know, a lot of people might think that’s cheesy.
Well, it is and I don’t care. I…. do…. not…. even….. care…..:)I mean I do care *drum lick
I sat there and thought, “I love you….I love you….I love you…..I love you.”
The next thing that happened blew me away.
She wrote down her measurements and then sat back and sighed and smiled at me. Her whole countenance changed. She said, “You are so sweet, it’s such a pleasure to work with someone like you this morning, you just made my day”.
Guys, there was no outward sign of “sweetness” in me other than the fact that I was trying to emanate love at her.
THAT blew me away. It was like when a chord in a song just makes your eyes sting. My eyes watered and I thought, “Oh man, pull it together.”
She said, “What’s the matter, do you suffer from dry eye or something?”
I said, “No, when you said I was ‘sweet’ it made my face leak”.
She said, “Oh, you are emotional, I love emotional people.” And then she proceeded to tell me everything important to her that was on her mind. Her daughter was on her mind. The other lady in the room who was previously fretting over this and that at her computer, calmed down and kept glancing at us and smiling too.
It was a lot of fun.
I have never left a Walmart feeling wonderful before.
I used to go in there with a “protection bubble” to protect me from all the “negative energy”. Well, walking in emanating love is a fun one. I have to say, I was a little tired after that. I came home and sat in the sun with my cat before I went to my computer to work for the day.
Peace :)
Fantastic share, sister. And art! I love how dreamy and imaginative and connected to life you are. ❤️
I find going to Walmart to always be a draining experience. It’s the the lighting or something, combined with that dull blue everywhere. In the future I’ll put on my love suit before entering, hopefully that will improve the mood of some people. It’s wonderful to read how you made a difference in somebody’s life in such a short time by sending out loves signals.
And your art? Through the roof wonderful! Thank you Amy! ✨💜🤗