Here is a silly nonsense poem using certain strange phrases provided by
. Why? Because why not :) All prompts are in bold.You don't know HOW MANY TIMES I have thought, "I wish I had a ghillie suit specifically designed for walking around ABC Home in New York undetected...." You don’t know how many times I wish I had a Big Wheels Made with me in mind, So I could pedal around the hood, Until I wrecked it. It’s unexpected. I can't tell the days apart anymore. Keeping up has become a chore. It's Blurrrrrrrrsday, the firsteenth of Dodecatober. Calendar makes weird noises, morphs into Bucky Ball...grows feet... runs out of frame like a Terry Gilliam animation. (This was not on my Bingo card.) This was not my anticipation. Is it the firfth of Ocxthnober? Is it the sikth of Nobezember? Is it January, Joon, Gee lie or Dethember? Which way is it friend? Is it now or the end? My Mind has been missing a while. An Infinity, there! And a gaze of the eye And a reticent face With a curtain of hair Hanging ‘round; Pretending not to notice me, Yet watching still. And when it sang…….. It was glaringly shrill! The horrible sound was intentional. It was deluded and desperate and vexed. And look how creepy these lyrics are in context. Especially when you're being taunt-serenaded by a hyperdimensional. Provoking thing. Holy bafflehills! And all of this happened regardless of giraffodils. I bought mine in the spring. I think I might already be a quantum hunting glitch dreamer – I just didn't know it had a name. A twitching, grunting sleep Lemur. I put other dreamer’s dreams to shame! In a tight spot? Take a look at me Is that a booking slot or a ticket to the thriller? In a cock pot, afloat at sea? Is that a cooking pot or a champagne chiller? Those are two completely different vibes. I take no bribes, Don’t look at me. I drink no “tea”. But a cock pot has a nice “RING” to it, SEE? If I roll my eyes any harder, I'll be looking myself right in the pineal gland. Stop right there Have some water, You’re looking at your thymus, friend. You seem perturbed. Would you express Your love to me, No less? So raw! “Would you still love me if I was a spaghetti worm trapped in a straw? If we was spaghetti straw worms, would you keep me safe in your frog hovel?” “I am not sure we are close enough But I know that would be novel. I might allow you near the naval, But probably nowhere near my hollow.” Next time you wake me whilst You’re rousing, I DEMAND ZERO-G PEEP JOUSTING!! So, I can fly Away from here With a lance in my hand, And a jug of beer. Your stories As usual, my dear, All over the Flippin, Flyin’ place. So, basically, you're all going to make some kind of generic citrus mace, spray it in people's eyes, and tell them it's "shit." That sounds par for the course around here. Wake me up when Something changes. Wake me up when there’s no “shit” spray near. Wake me up when your mind arranges. Wake me up when that shit’s not contagious. Wake me up when I’m in the grave. You need to tell the ghost people this story and make them look for Dave. He could be under the willow tree He would take his time for THEE~ He could be in the nave. You speak again, What did you say? “OK… so I’m like, ‘Blah blah blah fear fear blah Hegelian dialectic Hegelian dialectic blah yadda yadda blah…. wait…. WEAPONIZED BAT ANUS?!?!?’ This is heinous! Let’s try that again, WHAD DIDGEW SAY? They can’t treat people this way! The sound and the poop smell Will not allow me To understand the meaning well. It is a mark-ed oddity Similarly, this combination would result in olfactory cacophony. Additionally, Aries is the smell of plants ………….screaming. Even saying that feels synesthetic. It’s pathetic. Hearing the smell of screaming is A lazy dialectic They should hear, and smell, AND see! Laziness abounds. Even people with special powers Waste their time for hours Speaking of which, How about ole bitch tits? “Gynoconamaste… the bitch tits in Bill Gates recognize the bitch tits in the meme.” And ain’t that jerk a dream? Gynocomaforayear Let’s put him on his ear. Gynoslappa bitch around Twirling Whirling Knock ‘em down Holy Bafflehills, the Cheer!
This basically sums up the times. I loved it. Had pieces in it that remind me of my own strange diatribes. Classic. Light as a feather heavy as lead... Much love!!
Why yes it isn’t a little strange was it?
We must hurry
Before the Bafflehills invert our enclosure