Such a beautiful story~ if she hasn’t been rehomed I hope you find her~ maybe with a bath a grooming she didn’t look the same~ if your available to home her I’d just stop by and check. Seems like little bird should be yours.(sorry if I intruded) - may she find lots of love and happiness and you as well.💞🙏🏻💞
I hear ya :) Someone picked her up, so I can only assume that she was lost and since I took her to the shelter she is now found. I will keep her in my heart. Thanks, Tracy :)
I have faith that Source will guide Little Bird’d to the finish of her journey. The Source used your incredible spirit as a loving guide. I'm happy, and blessed to learn about your profound spiritual experience.
Those are very bird eyes, uncanny. And the fur on Little Bird's nose is like feathers.
Hey, I don't know if you're subbed to my friend Mark Alexander. He's been posting some piano pieces, which he plays like you. He's calling the series 'unpopular culture' since it's classical. I thought you might be just the person to appreciate it:
Thank you so much , Tereza. I have been thinking of you also. Thank you, thank you. I will check them out. I want to catch up on what you have been doing too. I will be making an appearance in your comment section this weekend. May we all find balance :) Have a beautiful weekend!
The fact that I had a dream about her really had an impact on me. I felt like I was dreaming while I was going through it with her too. Yeah, the mural job is never ending! Haha. I am only a couple of weeks from being done. It's kind of like when you are lost in a canoe and someone keeps telling you "you're almost there, it's just around the next bend!" but there is another bend after the bend. That's my mural timeline. Hahaha. Lots of things to tie up, a logo to add and some text. I will be sharing the final images in November. :) Take it easy!
Such a beautiful story~ if she hasn’t been rehomed I hope you find her~ maybe with a bath a grooming she didn’t look the same~ if your available to home her I’d just stop by and check. Seems like little bird should be yours.(sorry if I intruded) - may she find lots of love and happiness and you as well.💞🙏🏻💞
I hear ya :) Someone picked her up, so I can only assume that she was lost and since I took her to the shelter she is now found. I will keep her in my heart. Thanks, Tracy :)
She will stay in mine as well
Aw, that's so sweet. She really is a beautiful girl. I am so glad. That's such a nice thing to say.
I loved your story and your heart is as precious as Little Bird. 🥰🙏🏼🫶🏼✨✨
I have faith that Source will guide Little Bird’d to the finish of her journey. The Source used your incredible spirit as a loving guide. I'm happy, and blessed to learn about your profound spiritual experience.
Thank you so much for saying that. I still feel very connected to her. We are lifelong friends in my heart and mind.
Those are very bird eyes, uncanny. And the fur on Little Bird's nose is like feathers.
Hey, I don't know if you're subbed to my friend Mark Alexander. He's been posting some piano pieces, which he plays like you. He's calling the series 'unpopular culture' since it's classical. I thought you might be just the person to appreciate it:
And while I'm at it, Conspi-Rat does a World Entertainment Friday with three pieces from the 'darkest corners of the internet' as he says. You might like that too:
Just thinking of you!
Thank you so much , Tereza. I have been thinking of you also. Thank you, thank you. I will check them out. I want to catch up on what you have been doing too. I will be making an appearance in your comment section this weekend. May we all find balance :) Have a beautiful weekend!
Such a nice story! How curious that you dreamt of her. Thank you for sharing! 🙏💖 Hope your mural is coming along nicely. Quite the project!
The fact that I had a dream about her really had an impact on me. I felt like I was dreaming while I was going through it with her too. Yeah, the mural job is never ending! Haha. I am only a couple of weeks from being done. It's kind of like when you are lost in a canoe and someone keeps telling you "you're almost there, it's just around the next bend!" but there is another bend after the bend. That's my mural timeline. Hahaha. Lots of things to tie up, a logo to add and some text. I will be sharing the final images in November. :) Take it easy!
I can only imagine what an impact it must have had! And to have “reality” seem like a dream… row row row your boat…🤪
Thanks for your in depth reply and look forward to seeing the results of your endeavor! You’ll get there. Cheers! 🍻
Thank you so much, Tracy! That made me smile this beautiful day.